This is one of my all time favorite recipes. My mom used to make this a lot so I made sure to bring this recipe with me when I moved out. I absolutely love it, and haven't met anyone who doesn't.
This dish is paired with Green Giant's Green Beans & Almonds. The veggie is for you mom ;) Roberts mom was the one who introduced me to Green Giant, and I thank her for that. All their side dishes require little to no work and are delicious...and healthy! You really can't beat that! You can cook the green beans on the stove top or you can take the easiest method and microwave them. They come in a pouch so they steam in the bag while they cook. Delicious.
Side note: I tend to buy brand names such as Green Giant when there are "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" deals at the local grocery store. If you're looking to save money the store brands are typically cheaper but have the same great taste :)
Chicken and Rice Casserole
-1 can french onion soup
-1 can water
-1 stick margarine
-1 cup rice (uncooked)
-chicken peices (skinless)
Melt margarine in a 9x13 dish. Add soup, water and rice. Salt and pepper chicken and place in the rice mixture.
Bake, uncovered at 350 for 1 hour.
Easy right?! Digg in! 2 minute assembly and the work is done :)
Don't forget to follow me and submit your favorite recipes that you would like to see on here :)
This is a "Family Favorite"!
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